data analysis Archivi - GeoDataLab - Sistemi Informativi Territoriali Sistemi Informativi Territoriali e Sviluppo Software Thu, 06 Aug 2020 14:41:34 +0000 it-IT hourly 1 GIS and co-registration: an overview Thu, 06 Aug 2020 10:18:50 +0000 Almost everything that happens, it happens somewhere [1]. GIS analysis can get applied to a great variety of scenarios. However, objects on the terrestrial surface must be located accurately, and location displacements get minimized. Here we explain why co-registration is important, and how it works. GIS and data analysis Since they can process, [...]

L'articolo GIS and co-registration: an overview proviene da GeoDataLab - Sistemi Informativi Territoriali.
